External counterpulsation for the treatment of patients with refractory angina

Применение наружной контрпульсации для лечения пациентов с рефрактерной стенокардией
Rovshan Alakbarov 1, Tofig Jahangirov 1, Orazbek Sakhov 2, Sholpan Zhangelova 3
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1 Cardiac Failure Department, J.Abdullayev Scientific Research Institute of Cardiology, Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan
2 X-Ray Surgery Department, City Heart Center, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
3 №2 Internal Medicine Department, Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 2, Issue 48, pp. 14-21. https://doi.org/10.23950/1812-2892-JCMK-00576
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Despite the great advances in conventional medical and invasive treatment of patients with coronary heart disease, a significant number of these patients continues to have a resistant to standard therapy angina pectoris. Many of these patients are not candidates for subsequent myocardial revascularisation procedures for many reasons, and optimal medical treatment is not allowed to effectively control the symptoms of angina pectoris. To treat this category of patients, a large number of different treatment methods have been proposed. External counterpulsation is one of the methods of treatment of patients with refractory angina.


Alakbarov R, Jahangirov T, Sakhov O, Zhangelova S. External counterpulsation for the treatment of patients with refractory angina. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2018;2(48):14-21. https://doi.org/10.23950/1812-2892-JCMK-00576


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