The Relationship between Kinesiophobia and Disability, Pain and Anxiety in Patients with Chronic Shoulder Pain: A Case Control Study

Burhan Fatih Kocyigit 1 * , Ahmet Akyol 2
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1 Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, School of Medicine, Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University, Kahramanmaras, Turkey
2 Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Hasan Kalyoncu University, Kalyon Medical Center, Gaziantep, Turkey
* Corresponding Author
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 3, Issue 57, pp. 29-34.
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Objective: Physical and psychological factors affect disability in patients with chronic shoulder pain. Kinesiophobia which is described as fear of movement may induce disability. Therefore, we aimed to compare kinesiophobia levels between patients with chronic shoulder pain and healthy volunteers and to determine the correlations between kinesiophobia and disability, pain and anxiety.
Material and methods: This is a case-control study. 54 patients with shoulder pain and 56 healthy volunteers similar to case group in terms of age, sex and body mass index were enrolled in this research. Patients were evaluated with visual analogue scale, active range of motion measurements, Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia, Shoulder Pain and Disability Index and Beck Anxiety Inventory.
Results: Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia, Shoulder Pain and Disability Index-pain, Shoulder Pain and Disability Index-disability and Beck Anxiety Inventory scores were significantly higher in the patient group (p<0.05). Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia scores were significantly and positively correlated with visual analogue scale, Shoulder Pain and Disability Index-pain, Shoulder Pain and Disability Index-disability and Beck Anxiety Inventory scores (r=0.334, p=0.014; r=0.585, p<0.001; r=0.540, p<0.001 and r=0.419, p<0.001). Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia scores were significantly and negatively correlated with range of motion-flexion, range of motion-abduction and range of motion-extension (r= -0.438, p=0.001; r= -0.373, p=0.005 and r= -0.278, p=0.042). No significant correlation was detected between Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia scores and symptom duration (p>0.05).
Conclusion: Kinesiophobia is associated with disability, pain and anxiety in patients with chronic shoulder pain. Therefore, factors associated with kinesiophobia should be clearly identified and strategies should be created to improve kinesiophobia levels.


Kocyigit BF, Akyol A. The Relationship between Kinesiophobia and Disability, Pain and Anxiety in Patients with Chronic Shoulder Pain: A Case Control Study. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2020;3(57):29-34.


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