A case of thoracic psammomatous and meningothelial subtype meningioma presenting with atypical low back pain and sciatica

Клинический случай нетипичной люмбалгии и ишалгии при грудном псаммоматозном и менинготеиломатозном подтипе менгиомы
Tuba Tulay Koca 1, Aydın Arslan 1
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1 Malatya State Hospital, Malatya, Turkey
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 4, Issue 34, pp. 61-65.
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Spinal meningioma is a benign tumor, with a slow but severe course of symptoms, demonstrating different neurological deficits according to the anatomic region. Diagnosis is generally made with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). A 74-year-old female presented with chronic atypical low back pain spreading bilaterally to the thighs and progressive difficulties in walking with a history of onset after surgery for gallbladder stones. There was no neurological deficit in the physical examination. MRI revealed a spinal intramedullary mass at T8-9 level, 1.5 cm in size. Laminectomy and instrumentation were applied. Post-operative histopathological examination reported the case as ‘psammomatous’ and ‘meningothelial’ Grade I. The lower back pain and difficulty in walking improved rapidly postoperatively. The aim of this paper was to emphasise the importance of early investigation with MRI and differential diagnosis of spinal tumors in patients presenting with complaints of persistent atypical low back pain and sciatica.


Koca TT, Arslan A. A case of thoracic psammomatous and meningothelial subtype meningioma presenting with atypical low back pain and sciatica. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2014;4(34):61-5.


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