Analysis of genetic aspects of therapy with Rosuvastatin

Анализ генетических аспектов при терапии розувастатином
Samat Kozhakhmetov 1, Almagul Kushugulova 1, Akbota Kakimova 1, Talgat Nurgozhin 1, Zhaksybay Zhumadilov 1
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1 Nazarbayev University, National Laboratory Astana, Laboratory of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology, Astana, Kazakhstan
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 2, Issue 40, pp. 22-26.
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Statins widely used in clinical practice in decreasing the level of lipids in blood plasma. Difference of response for therapy may be associated with structural changes in genes of metabolism of drugs. Main polymorphisms of genes of metabolism which impact on effectiveness and security of rosuvastatin are studied in review.


Kozhakhmetov S, Kushugulova A, Kakimova A, Nurgozhin T, Zhumadilov Z. Analysis of genetic aspects of therapy with Rosuvastatin. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2016;2(40):22-6.


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