Analysis of motor activity of premature newborns
Анализ двигательной активности у недоношенных новорожденных
Tamara Chuvakova 1, Gulnar Tortaуeva 1, Elena Sagandykova 1
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1 Department of neonatology, National research center for maternal and child health of the corporate fund «UMC», Astana, Kazakhstan
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 3, Issue 45 special issue, pp. 39-43.
Objective: The article studies the clinical features of the motor system of premature newborns, a possible prognosis for development has been determined and the program of non-drug rehabilitation of children born with a burdened perinatal anamnesis has been optimized.
Methods. Observation of the movements of the child was carried out with the help of a video camera, which was installed over an incubator or crib. Video recording of the child's movements was carried out in a state of calm wakefulness, in the absence of external stimulant. Recording was interrupted for the period of feeding, sleeping, crying. For shooting and assessing the movements of a prematurely born baby, a video recording session of 30-40 minutes is required.
Results. Based on the results of the survey of 129 premature infants in the department of neonatology of the NNCMD, it was found that in children with a gestational age of 29-34 weeks, the poor repertoire is the most frequent - 41.4%. Normal generalized movements and the norm option - non-optimal movements occur 22.7% and 23.5% respectively, convulsively-synchronized and chaotic movements - in 12.9%. In the case of repeated studies, transitions from normal generalized movements to poor repertoire occurred in 3.2% of children, from poor repertoire to normal generalized movements in 7.4%, from spasmodically synchronized to poor repertoire - in 1.6% of convulsive- synchronized into normal generalized movements - in 1.9%. At the age of 3-5 months of life, all children with poor repertoire formed normal type of movements, and of 40 children with convulsively synchronized and chaotic movements, in 5 (1.6%) tetra paresis was diagnosed, which does not exclude the subsequent realization in these children Cerebral palsy.
Conclusions. The clinical features of the motor system of premature newborns study determined a possible developmental prognosis, which facilitated an optimized program of non-drug rehabilitation of children born with a burdened perinatal anamnesis. A clinical evaluation of premature babies on the basis of the results of developing care showed that in PKV 33 weeks, 70% of the children who were on probing, on average, after 6 days switched to feeding with a cup and 40% of children already fed from a cup – 5-6 day began to suck the mother's breast. All children had a stable weight gain. 80% of children had a deeper and more restful sleep. When carrying out painful manipulations, all children had a lower pain threshold. Stabilization of behavior was observed. At 35 weeks of PKV, 70% of the children switched from breastfeeding to feeding, the rest of the children were breastfeeding. All the children were transferred to nursing in a crib. All infants had a positive emotional tone. Against basal stimulation, visual concentration improved. Tactile stimulation of the palms and palms allowed to form a correct thumb installation in the cam and improved their psychomotor development.
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