Сase report of syphilitic hepatitis

Aibar Aginbay 1, Saule Khamzina 2 * , Ruslan Zhambulayev 3, Natalya Baromyko 1, Sanzhar Shalekenov 1
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1 Department of Hepatology, National Research Oncology Center, Astana, Kazakhstan
2 Department of Surgery, National Research Oncology Center, Astana, Kazakhstan
3 Department of Pathomorphology with Cytology, National Research Oncology Center, Astana, Kazakhstan
* Corresponding Author
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 20, Issue 5, pp. 65-67. https://doi.org/10.23950/jcmk/13757
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Syphilitic hepatitis is a rare clinical presentation of syphilis and is easily misdiagnosed. However, clinical and histopathologic manifestations of Syphilitic Hepatitis can imitate other infectious and non-infectious diseases, and the diagnosis should be considered in patients with abnormal liver function tests. We present an unusual case of syphilitic hepatitis presenting with jaundice and abdominal bloating after treatment with benzylpenicillin, liver enzymes, and mucocutaneous findings improved.


Aginbay A, Khamzina S, Zhambulayev R, Baromyko N, Shalekenov S. Сase report of syphilitic hepatitis. J CLIN MED KAZ. 2023;20(5):65-7. https://doi.org/10.23950/jcmk/13757


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