Assessment of health status of elderly and senile age of people living in Astana
Оценка состояния здоровья людей пожилого и старческого возраста проживающих в г.Астана
G. Doszhanova 1, A. Abduldayeva 1, T. Maulenkul 1, G. Beketay 1
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1 Astana Medical University, Astana, Kazakhstan
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 1, Issue 35, pp. 51-54.
The aim - to assess the health status of older people, depending on their age and gender identity. The health status of the elderly was studied based on the assessment of the physical condition and adaptive capacity.
Materials and Methods: We used materials of primary and secondary sources on the following methods: information - analytical, content analysis, ratios, comparison indications, indications of visuality, statistical and causative - consecutive methods.
The study group included 133 people aged 60-89 years, including men-50.4% and women - 49.6% living in Astana. Out of them elderly - 74.4% of people, senile age - 25.6% of people with an average age - 71 years. Elderly men accounted for - 42%, senile - 9% among older women, this figure was 33% and 16% of senile age women, respectively.
Results: The index of the physical condition in older men and women was 0.432 ± 0.02 and 0.419 ± 0.01 in men and women of senile age, the figure was 0.205 ± 2.19 and 0.362 ± 1.16. The range of index values of physical condition in older men corresponds to below-average level of physical condition in older women it is equal to the average level. People of senile age the range of the index of physical condition in men and women corresponds to a low and below the average level. Group III health is observed in male and female of elderly and senile age, as well as in elderly women with lower adaptive capacity of 3.49 points (poor adaptation), and Group IV the lowest health is observed in senile age men, whose adaptive capacity is above 3. 5 points (failure of adaptation).
Conclusion: Analyzing the results obtained it may be noted overvoltage regulation systems, accompanied by a change in the level of inadequate functioning of the main systems of the body and the presence of pathological diseases in elderly and senile decompensation, which is more pronounced, manifested in men than in women that lead to the disruption of adaptation.
Doszhanova G, Abduldayeva A, Maulenkul T, Beketay G. Assessment of health status of elderly and senile age of people living in Astana. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2015;1(35):51-4.
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