Chronic viral hepatitis D - the current state of a problem.
Хронический вирусный гепатит Д - современное состояние проблемы.
Aliya Konysbekova 1 2
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1 JSC «Medical University Astana», Department of gastroenterology and infectious diseases, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan
2 KF “UMC”, Republican diagnostic center, Astana, Kazakhstan
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 1, Issue 43, pp. 11-14.
Chronic hepatitis D- severe and rapidly progressing form of viral hepatitis, leading to the liver cirrhosis in 70% of cases within 5-10 years. HDV RNA replicates only in the presence of viral hepatitis B. Introduction to the calendar of immunization vaccination in the Republic of Kazakhstan led to a reduction in the incidence of hepatitis B is almost 40 times. However, despite the ongoing effective measures, the amount of detectable virus mixed in with the delta agent is increased and is now at a global map of Kazakhstan refers to medium-endemic countries. Against the background of rapid progress in the treatment of hepatitis C, hepatitis B treatment of existing schemes in the delta agent ineffective, allowing HDV considered as one of the most virulent and dangerous hepatotropic virus.
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