Clinical aspects of the treatment of breast fibroadenomas with high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU).
Клинические аспекты лечения фиброаденом молочных желез высокоинтенсивным фокусированным ультразвуком (HIFU).
Zhazira Seidagaliyeva 1, Suyindik Imankulov 2, Turlybek Tuganbekov 1 2, Kulsara Rustemova 1
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1 JSC “Astana Medical University” Astana, Kazakhstan
2 JSC “National Scientific Medical Research Center”, Astana, Kazakhstan
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 1, Issue 35, pp. 6-10.
The main method of treatment of fibroadenomas of the mammary glands to date is surgical. Surgery is often accompanied by complications: hematoma, inflammation, divergence joints, pain in the surgery, etc. Introduction of new technologies of minimally invasive alternative to open surgery are laparoscopic surgery; as a large number of studies conducted in the field of laser, cryo -, thermal ablation. But really noninvasive methods of practical medicine are radiation and chemotherapy, both methods have a lot of side effects. At the present time there was the possibility of introducing a new non-invasive method of treatment of breast fibroadenomas: HIFU-therapy. Нigh-intensive focused ultrasound (HIFU) has declared itself as a new clinical method for non-invasive local treatment of tumors. The author is given etiology, classification, treatment of breast fibroadenomas, a brief overview of the concept of HIFU-therapy, the mechanism of action HIFU-therapy, HIFU device used for the treatment of mammary tumors, evaluation methods the performance of ablation, the criteria for cure.
Seidagaliyeva Z, Imankulov S, Tuganbekov T, Rustemova K. Clinical aspects of the treatment of breast fibroadenomas with high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU).. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2015;1(35):6-10.
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