Clinical cases of treatment of patient with primary biliary cirrhosis by аutologous bone marrow cell transplantation
Клинический случай лечения первичного билиарного цирроза печени мононуклеарными клетками аутологичного костного мозга
Venera Rakhmetova 1, Saltanat Tuganbekova 1, Galiya Shaimardanova 1, Manarbek Askarov 1, Karlygash Kuzembayeva 1, Yelena Svetlichnaya 1
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1 National Scientific Medical Research Center, Astana, Kazakhstan
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 1, Issue 35, pp. 62-65.
This article reviews a clinical study of autologous bone marrow cell infusion (ABMI) therapy for treatment of primary biliary cirrhosis, II stage. After the second and third transplantation of barrel cages a patient marked regress of skin itch, decreased hyperpigmentation, expressed of asthenic syndrome, decline of level of markers of cytolysis and cholestasia. A control liver-biopsy educed reduction of dystrophic changes in hepatocytes, decline of inflammatory infiltration.
Rakhmetova V, Tuganbekova S, Shaimardanova G, Askarov M, Kuzembayeva K, Svetlichnaya Y. Clinical cases of treatment of patient with primary biliary cirrhosis by аutologous bone marrow cell transplantation. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2015;1(35):62-5.
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