Ж. О. Белеков, К. С. Ысмайылов, Н. А. Маманов
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J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 3, Issue 29, pp. 38-41.
Aim: to unify the tactics of surgical treatment of MS based on the analysis of the clinical material and the development of new clinical and pathologic classifi cation.
Materials and Methods. The work is based on the results of examination and surgical treatment of 139 patients with MS ( 1998-2013) . The age of patients ranged from 25 to 87 years old. Women was 103 ( 74.1%) patients, men - 36 ( 25.9 %). Dominated by elderly patients - 58 ( 41.7 %) and old age - 68 (48.9 %).
The analysis of long-term experience of surgical treatment of MS we have identifi ed a particularly complex forms of this disease in the structure, creating a tough, non-standard intraoperative situation. The classifi cation of clinical and pathologic details the aspects of SM and depending on the level of localization cholecysto - biliary fi stula allows you to specify the tactics of surgical treatment and thus improve the results of treatment of patients with MS, bringing them back to normal life and work.
Белеков ЖО, Ысмайылов КС, Маманов НА. CLINICAL-PATHOLOGIC CLASSIFICATION OF MIRIZZI SYNDROME. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2013;3(29):38-41.
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