Comparison of the efficacy of LigaSure and laser for grade 2-3 hemorrhoids

Ali Kemal Taşkin 1 * , Bülent Özçetin 1
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1 Department of General Surgery, University of Health Sciences, Bursa Yuksek Ihtisas Training and Research Hospital, Bursa, Turkey
* Corresponding Author
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 20, Issue 4, pp. 33-37.
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Aim: The aim of this study is to compare the efficacy of LigaSure and LH procedures in the treatment of grade 2-3 hemorrhoids.
Material and methods: Demographic and clinical data of the patients were recorded retrospectively. A visual analogue scale (VAS) was used to evaluate the pain intensity of the patients after the procedure and a Likert-type scale was used to evaluate patient satisfaction surveys 6 months after the procedure.
Results: Of the 66 patients, (mean age: 42.12±11.92 years, %72,7 male) 34 underwent LH procedure whereas 32 underwent LigaSure procedure. Spinal anesthesia was applied for 64 patients and general anesthesia was applied for 2 patients. Procedure time and time to return to work were significantly shorter in the LH group compared to the LigaSure group (900 vs. 1200 seconds, p<0.001, and 3.64±1.29 vs. 14.46±3.73 days, p<0.001). Late complications (abscess, relapse, pruritus, and seromucous discharge) were more common in the LH group, but the difference was not statistically significant (23.5% vs. 6.3%, p=0.08). VAS pain scores were significantly lower in the LH group (p<0.001). Although there was no significant difference between the treatment groups in terms of patient satisfaction, relapse was significantly less common in the LigaSure group (p=0.045).
Conclusion: In patients with grade 2-3 hemorrhoids, LH may be preferred over LigaSure due to greater patient comfort, higher satisfaction rates, and fewer early complications. However, close follow-up of these patients is important due to the higher incidence of late complications with LH.


Taşkin AK, Özçetin B. Comparison of the efficacy of LigaSure and laser for grade 2-3 hemorrhoids. J CLIN MED KAZ. 2023;20(4):33-7.


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