Complex assessment of complications in operated patients with Fallot's tetrad at the hospital stage

Rakhima Mekenbayeva 1 * , Anar Sarsembayeva 1, Akkerbez Adilbek 1, Dias Vakpayev 1, Nigina Mekenbaeva 2, Arman Akseitov 2
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1 Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Department, National Scientific Medical Center, Nur-Sultan city, Republic of Kazakhstan
2 Astana Medical University, Nur-Sultan city, Republic of Kazakhstan
* Corresponding Author
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 4, Issue 54, pp. 25-33.
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Fallo's tetrad - one of the most often found congenital heart disease. The relevance of a problem of complications after cardiac operations at the Fallo's tetrad remains acute for today. The analysis of results of expeditious treatment and complications will allow to solve problems of timely diagnostics, treatment and prevention of the reasons of an unsatisfactory clinical condition of patients at all stages of postoperative maintaining.
Objective: Studying the structure of postoperative complications, determination of the causes of postoperative complications at a hospital stage at patients after a definitive and palliative repair of Fallo's tetrad definition of diagnostic and medical tactics in the postoperative period.
Material and methods: The studied patients with Fallo's tetrad (126 children aged from 2 days till 9 years, from them boys - 64, girls - 62) were distributed on 2 main groups: after the definitive repair of defect (DRD) and after the palliative correction of defect (PCD). The complex assessment of postoperative complications at patients with TF was carried out with use of clinical-laboratory research methods.
Results: Complications at a hospital stage arose in 38 (45.2%) cases from 84 (100%) patients after a definitive repair and in 17 (50%) cases from 34 (100%) – after palliative correction of Fallo's tetrad. The structure of complications after a definitive and palliative repair of defect is defined. The reasons and risk factors of development of postoperative complications after surgical correction of Fallo's tetrad are defined. Features of a clinical current of complications after a definitive and palliative repair of Fallo's tetrad are noted. Optimum tactics in treatment of postoperative complications at a hospital stage after a definitive and palliative repair of Fallo's tetrad is defined.


Mekenbayeva R, Sarsembayeva A, Adilbek A, Vakpayev D, Mekenbaeva N, Akseitov A. Complex assessment of complications in operated patients with Fallot's tetrad at the hospital stage. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2019;4(54):25-33.


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