Correlation between Functionality and Quality of Life in Patients after Cardiac Surgery
İsmail Ceylan 1 * ,
Husham Abdulateef Salman Al-Jaddah 2,
Raed Qadri Khudhair Al-Janabi 2 More Detail
1 Department of Hand Rehabilitation, School of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, Kirsehir Ahi Evran University, Kirsehir, Turkey
2 Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Al-Bitar Cardiac Surgery Hospital, Baghdad, Iraq
* Corresponding Author
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 21, Issue 4, pp. 26-32.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, İ.C. and H.A.S.A.; methodology, İ.C., H.A.S.A. and R.Q.K.A.; validation, İ.C. and H.A.S.A.; formal analysis, İ.C. and H.A.S.A.; investigation, İ.C. and H.A.S.A.; resources, İ.C. and H.A.S.A.; data curation, İ.C., H.A.S.A. and R.Q.K.A; writing – original draft preparation, İ.C. and H.A.S.A.; writing – review and editing, İ.C., H.A.S.A. and R.Q.K.A.; visualization, İ.C. and H.A.S.A.; supervision, İ.C. and H.A.S.A.; project administration, İ.C., H.A.S.A. and R.Q.K.A; funding acquisition, İ.C., H.A.S.A. and R.Q.K.A. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Aim: Current research seeks to explore the correlation between early mobilisation in physical exercise and the functionality and life quality of patients post cardiac surgery.
Methods: A cohort of 100 patients, aged between 18 and 65, comprising 52 men and 48 women, participated in a program of early physical performance commencing from the first day through the seventh day post - heart surgery. Outcome measures included the 6 Minute-Walk Test (6MWT), the Short Form-International Physical Activity Questionaire (SF-IPAQ), and the Short Form-36 (SF-36). Each assessment was administered on the seventh day following cardiac surgery.
Results: Statistical analysis revealed a significant interrelation (p<0.001) with SFIPAQ SF-IPAQ scores and both the 6MWT and SF-36 scores. SF-IPAQ scores were inversely related to pain levels, they exhibited positive associations with energy-fatigue, social function, general health and functionality.
Conclusion: Our findings indicate that post - cardiac surgery patients exhibited improved degrees of physical performance, improved life quality, and enhanced functional ability.
Ceylan İ, Al-Jaddah HAS, Al-Janabi RQK. Correlation between Functionality and Quality of Life in Patients after Cardiac Surgery. J CLIN MED KAZ. 2024;21(4):26-32.
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