Differential diagnosis of Drave's syndrome and Gasto's Lenox syndrome on the example of a clinical case
Дифференциальная диагностика синдрома Драве и Синдрома Ленокса Гасто на примере клинического случая
Raushan Kenzhegulova 1, Alisa Nauryzbaeva 1, Assem Khamzina 1
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1 Department of neurology of early age, National research center for maternal and child health of the corporate fund «UMC», Astana, Kazakhstan
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 3, Issue 45 special issue, pp. 115-117.
Presented a case of Drave's and Gasto's Lenox syndromes in a 10-years old patient. Provided differential diagnosis and discussed treatment options.
Kenzhegulova R, Nauryzbaeva A, Khamzina A. Differential diagnosis of Drave's syndrome and Gasto's Lenox syndrome on the example of a clinical case. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2017;3(45 special issue):115-7.
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