Effectiveness of the modified darn repair method in inguinal hernia repair: 10 years of experience

Ahmet Başkent 1 * , Fatih Feratoğlu 1
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1 Department of General Surgery, Kartal Dr Lütfi Kırdar City Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey
* Corresponding Author
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 20, Issue 3, pp. 104-108. https://doi.org/10.23950/jcmk/13361
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Aim: We aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the Modified Darn Repair (MDR) method performed in our clinic for Inguinal Hernia Repair (IHR) and to determine the postoperative complications and recurrence rates of this method.
Material and methods: The records of all patients who underwent IHR with MDR method in our clinic between January 2012 and December 2021 were obtained from the hospital database. Demographic characteristics of the patients, intraoperative findings, hospitalization and return to normal activities, postoperative complications and recurrence rates were retrospectively analyzed.
Results: A total of 892 patients aged between 18 and 85 with a male:female ratio of 14:1 were studied. Of 1011 elective IHRs, 773 were unilateral (right/left: 452/321) and 119 (119 right + 119 left) were bilateral.  Hernia types were 667 (66%) indirect, 273 (27%) direct, 71(7%) pantaloon (combined) hernias. All procedures were performed under spinal anesthesia. The mean duration of surgery was 35 (15-75) minutes, hospital stay was 1.1 (1-3) days, and return to normal activities was 12.8 (10-20) days. The postoperative complications were wound infection in 33 (3.26%) patients, hematoma in 11 (1.09%) patients, and abscess/seroma in 15 (1.48%) patients. In addition, suture material reaction developed in 1 (0,12%) patient. Recurrence was observed in 25 (2.4%) patients and no mortality was observed in any patient.
Conclusion: The goal of every surgeon is to have a non-recurring repair in IHR without leaving a foreign body in the patient. Despite the criticism, we believe that the MDR technique is a safe, effective and viable option.


Başkent A, Feratoğlu F. Effectiveness of the modified darn repair method in inguinal hernia repair: 10 years of experience. J CLIN MED KAZ. 2023;20(3):104-8. https://doi.org/10.23950/jcmk/13361


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