Efficacy of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Optimizing Counseling Outcomes for Fast Remission of Social Anxiety with Panic Attacks
Sonia Mukhtar 1,
Shamim Mukhtar 2,
Fatima Naeem 3,
Waleed Rana 4 * More Detail
1 Department of Medicine of Universidad de Oviedo (Spain) Global Disaster Medicine – Health Needs and response at the Karolinska Institutet (Sweden) Department of Primary Care and Population Health of the University of Nicosia (Cyprus)
2 College of Earth & Environmental Sciences, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan
3 Institute of Clinical Psychology, University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan
4 Hainan Medical University, Hainan General Hospital, Haikou, China
* Corresponding Author
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 21, Issue 5, pp. 50-55.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, S. M.; methodology, S. M.; validation, S. M.; formal analysis, W. R, Sh. M.; investigation, S. M.; resources, S. M.; data curation, S. M., writing – original draft preparation, S. M.; writing – review and editing, S. M, Sh. M, F. N, and W. R.; visualization, Sh. M.; supervision – FN; project administration – not applicable; funding acquisition – not applicable. The authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Availability of data and materials: The information about dataset and analyses for the present study is available from corresponding authors.
Informed Consent: The informed consent was taken from the study participants before administration.
Aims: The case study evaluates the efficacy of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in optimizing counseling outcomes for social anxiety and panic attacks within an academic setting. Counseling sessions were conducted with a 23-year-old female client over a four-month period at T.S Government College.
Method: The study utilized a single case study design A-B-A. The client presented with symptoms of social anxiety and panic attacks, impacting various aspects of her life including academic performance, interpersonal relationships, social interactions and family dynamics.
Results: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy techniques including Cognitive Restructuring, Social Skills Training, Role Play and Role Reversal, and Systematic Desensitization through Gradual Exposure, were implemented over 8 sessions. Assessment tools including pre-post ratings, behavioral observations and therapy blueprints were utilized to assess the severity of social anxiety.
Conclusion: A significant decrease in the severity of social anxiety and panic attacks based on both subjective self-reporting and objective observations suggesting Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as an approach of counseling for individuals with social anxiety with panic attacks in educational setting.
Keywords: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, case study, case report, social anxiety, panic attacks, cognitive restructuring, systematic desensitization, role play, role reversal, social skills training
Mukhtar S, Mukhtar S, Naeem F, Rana W. Efficacy of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Optimizing Counseling Outcomes for Fast Remission of Social Anxiety with Panic Attacks. J CLIN MED KAZ. 2024;21(5):50-5.
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