Electroneurophysiological criteria of efficiency of pathogenetic therapy in diabetic polyneuropathy.

Электронейрофизиологические критерии эффективности патогенетической терапии диабетической полинейропатии.
Lubov Kuzina 1, Gulnaz Kaishibayeva 2
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1 Department of myasthenia and demyelinating diseases, SPC “Institute of Neurology named by Smagul Kaishibayev”, Almaty, Kazakhstan
2 Department of neurology, JSC “Kazakh Medical University of Continuing Education”, Almaty, Kazakhstan
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 4, Issue 42, pp. 39-45. https://doi.org/10.23950/1812-2892-2016-4/jcmk-00354
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Purpose: to estimate efficiency of pathogenetic therapy of diabetic polyneuropathy with including of benfotiaminby means of an electroneuromyography.
Materials: assessment of efficiency of pathogenetic therapy of diabetic polyneuropathy with including of benfotiaminat patients with various experience of a diabetes mellitus 2 types was carried out. The research included three groups of patients with an experience of diabetes 2 type – 1-3 years (1 group), 3-7 years (the 2nd group), 7-10 years (the 3rd group). The conduction research on nerves of the lower extremities by an electroneuromyography method was the main criterion of efficiency (primary final point).
Results: according to ENMG-control statistically significant improvement of conduction on peripheric nerves against the background of therapy by benfotiamin within 12 weeks was shown. More faster improvement of conduction was reached in groups with a smaller experience of a diabetes mellitus (up to 7 years) and at the patients who were earlier receiving courses of pathogenetic therapy.
Conclusions: Including of benfotiamin in a complex of therapy of diabetic polyneuropathy allows to achieve reliable improvement of a condition of peripheric nerves from patients with various experience of a diabetes mellitus 2 types.


Kuzina L, Kaishibayeva G. Electroneurophysiological criteria of efficiency of pathogenetic therapy in diabetic polyneuropathy.. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2016;4(42):39-45. https://doi.org/10.23950/1812-2892-2016-4/jcmk-00354


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