Endovideosurgery and surgical correction of a genetic bilary circus cyst of children
Эндовидеохирургия и хирургическая коррекция кист общего желчного протока у детей
Rasulbek Aipov 1, Damir Jenalayev 1, Bulat Jenalayev 2, Vladimir Kotlobovsky 2, Dulat Mustafinov 1, Aslan Ergaliev 2, Omar Mamlin 1
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1 Corporate Fund “University Medical Center” National Research Center for Maternal and Child Health
2 West Kazakhstan State Medical Academy Republic of Kazakhstan, Aktobe
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 3, Issue 45 special issue, pp. 58-62.
Objective. Comparative evaluation of the results of treatment of patients with congenital cysts of the common bile duct, operated with "open" and endovideosurgical methods.
Methods. In the treatment of 39 patients, the methods of endovideosurgery (the main group) were used, in the remaining 28 patients (control group) we performed a similar "open" operation. In the postoperative period, all children underwent standard antibiotic therapy with broad-spectrum antibiotics. Within 3 days, all children were given parenteral nutrition, analgesic therapy.
Results. The average indices of "stress hormones" stayed within the limits of normal values before the operation, without signifcant differences between themselves. Intraoperative indices of "stressful" hormones in both groups signifcantly exceeded the average values of normal indices. At the same time, a higher degree of endocrine response was noted by us in the group of patients undergoing a traditional operation. This, in all probability, is associated with more traumatic access to the operation object (a wide laparotomy incision, the intersection of a large mass of muscle tissue). Postoperative indices in both groups were lower than intraoperative values, but a more pronounced decrease was seen in the group of patients undergoing laparoscopic surgery.
Conclusion: Presentation of laparoscopic interventions in the surgical correction of cysts in the common bile duct in children causes a lower degree of surgical aggression of the body in the postoperative period in comparison with traditional surgical interventions, which causes a milder period of the postoperative period. Paraposcopic access can be a method of choice for surgical correction of the pathology of external bile ducts in children.
Aipov R, Jenalayev D, Jenalayev B, Kotlobovsky V, Mustafinov D, Ergaliev A, et al. Endovideosurgery and surgical correction of a genetic bilary circus cyst of children. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2017;3(45 special issue):58-62.
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