Endovideosurgery in CF «UMC» NRCMC: achievements and prospects
Достижения и перспективы эндовидеохирургии в Национальном научном центре материнства и детства
Damir Jenalayev 1, Dulat Mustafinov 1, Omar Mamlin 1, Ruslan Bilal 1
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1 Corporate Fund «University Medical Center» National Research Center for Maternal and Child Health
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 3, Issue 45 special issue, pp. 133-135.
The article shows the experience of performing endovideosurgical operations in children. The experience of performing operations in various sections of pediatric surgery are presented: thoracic surgery, abdominal surgery, urology, orthopedics and vertebrology.
Jenalayev D, Mustafinov D, Mamlin O, Bilal R. Endovideosurgery in CF «UMC» NRCMC: achievements and prospects. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2017;3(45 special issue):133-5.
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