Epidemiology of kidney cancer in Turkistan region
Assel Zhumagulova 1 2 * ,
Ruslan Nurbaba 3 More Detail
1 Medicine Department, Hodge Ahmed Yasavi International Kazakh-Turkish University, Turkestan, Republic of Kazakhstan
2 City cancer center, Shymkent, Republic of Kazakhstan
3 South Kazakhstan Pharmaceutical Academy, Shymkent, Republic of Kazakhstan
* Corresponding Author
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 6, Issue 60, pp. 101-102.
Introduction: The article presents epidemiological data on the cases of kidney cancer in Turkistan region depending on age and sex.
Purpose: Assess the incidence and neglect of kidney cancer in the Turkestan region.
Material and methods: Mathematical and statistical methods recommended by the Ministry of Healthcare were used.
Results: In 2013-2018 South Kazakhstan region there is a incidence of kidney cancer among men-4.4, among women-3.2 respectively. In addition, among cancer, kidney cancer is 8 among men and 12 among women. The maximum incidence peak is 50-59 years. This means that the prevalence of the disease among the working-age population.
Conclusion: Thus, conducting a statistical analysis of the oncological state in the Turkestan region, we note: an increase in the incidence of kidney cancer, as well as a comparative increase in mortality, and finally an increase in the five-year survival rate. However, the increase in the number of patients first identified at stage IV proves that the level of oncological vigilance is still low.
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