Evaluation of surgical hemostasis in massive obstetric hemorrhage and its outcomes.
Оценка хирургического гемостаза при массивных акушерских кровотечениях и его исходы.
Almaz Makenjan uulu 1 *
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1 Kyrgyz state medical academy by I.K.Akhunbaev, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
* Corresponding Author
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 3, Issue 33, pp. 22-28.
The aim: to evaluate the effectiveness of the internal iliac artery ligation to stop severe obstetric hemorrhage and opportunities organ-preserving surgery in critical situations.
Methods. In our studies, we analyzed 216 cases of ligation of internal iliac arteries (IIAL) in women with severe obstetric hemorrhage in the provision of emergency obstetric care (EmOC) during the period 2004-2013years in maternity care hospitals of the Kyrgyz Republic. According to the outcome of operations cases were divided into two groups: a) Group 1 - 111 cases, which were finished by hysterectomy followed ligation of internal iliac arteries. b) Group 2 - 105 cases where it was possible to use organ-preserving surgery.
Results. Ligation of the internal iliac arteries in women with severe obstetric hemorrhage were allow for preserve uterus: in premature detachment of the placenta - in 69.6% (32 women); Postpartum hemorrhage (hypotonic bleeding) - 58.3% (35 women); traumatic injuries of the uterus - 55.2% of cases (16 women). As a result, hysterectomies were avoided in 48.6% of cases (105 out of 216 woman) during pregnancy and delivery.
Conclusion. Ligation of internal iliac arteries is one of the effective methods of stopping the massive obstetric hemorrhage, thus preserving the uterus.
Makenjan uulu A. Evaluation of surgical hemostasis in massive obstetric hemorrhage and its outcomes.. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2014;3(33):22-8.
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