Experience in the application of interval vacuum therapy with Vacumed device in complex treatment of lower extremity trophic ulcers

Опыт применения интервальной вакуумной терапии аппаратом Vacumed в комплексном лечении трофических язв нижних конечностей
Turlybek Tuganbekov 1, Nurlan Ashimov 1, Dana Saipiyeva 1
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1 JSC “Astana Medical University”, Astana, Kazakhstan
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 2, Issue 32, pp. 60-64.
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Vacuum therapy has only recently been introduced for treatment of low extremity ulcers. The traditional way has conventionally been application of continuous negative pressure at -125 mm on patient’s lower body and extremities. However there are evidences suggesting potential advantages of lower value intermittent negative pressures. The article describes the mechanisms and clinical effects of intermittent vacuum therapy. Practical experience of its application  in patients with low extremity venous ulcers is demonstrated. This technique has proved being a perspective approach in the treatment of non-healing wounds and ulcers and so requires more profound studying to identify the most suitable therapeutic regimen.


Tuganbekov T, Ashimov N, Saipiyeva D. Experience in the application of interval vacuum therapy with Vacumed device in complex treatment of lower extremity trophic ulcers. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2014;2(32):60-4.


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