Features of preoperative preparation for intraosseous dental implantation in patients with generalized periodontitis

Особенности дооперационной подготовки к дентальной внутрикостной имплантации больных с генерализованным пародонтитом
Alexander Gudaryan 1, Igor Samoilenko 1
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1 Dnipropetrovsk medical Academy Ministry of health of Ukraine, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 3, Issue 37, pp. 19-25.
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Study purpose: Improving the effectiveness of rehabilitation in patients with generalized periodontitis during preoperative preparations for dental implantation, by improving methods of antimicrobial therapy and correction of immunological and biochemical disturbance.
Research methods: Clinical, microbiological (PCR), immunological and biochemical studies in 42 patients generalized parodontitis, selected to conduct dental implantation. In the main group (32 patients) the preoperative preparation was carried out on the developed technique using Photodynamic therapy, immunomodulator IL-2 recombinant (ronkoleukin) and antioxidant mexidol.
In the control group (31 patients) passed on the preoperative preparation and traditional generally accepted the plan.
Results. In the main group of mild inflmmatory-infectious process in periodontal tissues and resistant (not less than one year) clinicoradiological remission, normalization of studied immunological and biochemical indices reached 93.8% of cases. In the comparison group, a positive result of treatment observed at 74.4% of the patients.
Conclusions: developed and proven method combined preparations for dental implantation of patients with generalized periodontitis by clinical studies demonstrated advantage over existing traditional, due to optimization of sanation of periodontal tissues, as well as correction of immunological and biochemical irregularities identifid in such patients.


Gudaryan A, Samoilenko I. Features of preoperative preparation for intraosseous dental implantation in patients with generalized periodontitis. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2015;3(37):19-25.


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