Features of the clinical and morphological picture of pulmonary sarcoidosis
Особенности клинико-морфологической картины диагностики саркоидоза легких
Maida Tussupbekova 1, Rosa Bakenova 2, Leila Stabayeva 1, Rayhan Nygizbaeva 1, Gulnazira Imanbayeva 1
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1 Karaganda State Medical University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan
2 Medical Centre hospital of president’s affairs administration, Astana, Kazakhstan
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 4, Issue 46, pp. 33-36.
The article presents an interesting clinical observation, in which, with sufficient illustration of the stages of the course and diagnosis of sarcoidosis of the lungs and peripheral lymph nodes, the diagnosis was difficult to diagnose. Late diagnosis and lack of correct therapy makes a prediction in patients with lung sarcoidosis unfavorable. These morphological criteria for the diagnosis of sarcoidosis of the lungs and lymph nodes are necessary for use in the practice of a pathomorphologic physician in order to verify the clinical diagnosis, which will allow us to determine the adequate tactics for examining, administering, correcting therapy and assessing the disease prognosis, taking into account the clinical and laboratory data revealed, the results of instrumental methods research.
Tussupbekova M, Bakenova R, Stabayeva L, Nygizbaeva R, Imanbayeva G. Features of the clinical and morphological picture of pulmonary sarcoidosis. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2017;4(46):33-6.
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