Features of the course of pregnancy and child birth in a patient with liver transplantation from a living donor
Особенности течения беременности и родов у пациентки трансплантацией печени от живого донора
Gulnar Murzabekova 1, Karligash Togyzbaeva 1, Togzhan Payayeva 1, Aigerym Nurmanova 1, Arlan Rakhatayev 1
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1 Corporate fund «University Medical Center» National Research Center for Maternal and Child health, department of obstetrics and gynecology, Astana, Kazakhstan
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 3, Issue 45 special issue, pp. 99-101.
This paper describes a clinical case of pregnancy and delivery in patients with liver transplantation from a living donor . This case demonstrates the possibility of pregnancy in women who have undergone transplant rejection crisis and successful delivery. Liver transplantation is not anindication for surgical delivery.
Murzabekova G, Togyzbaeva K, Payayeva T, Nurmanova A, Rakhatayev A. Features of the course of pregnancy and child birth in a patient with liver transplantation from a living donor. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2017;3(45 special issue):99-101.
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