Hairy Cell Leukemia with Unusual Clinical Presentations: A Single Center Experience
Волосатоклеточный лейкоз с необычными клиническими проявлениями: опыт одного центра
Abdulkadir Basturk 1, Sema Akinci 1, Tuba Hacibekiroglu 1, Tekin Guney 1, Sule MB Ozturk 1, Ali Kutlucan 2, Imdat Dilek 1
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1 Ataturk Research and Training Hospital, Ankara, Turkey
2 Selcuklu University, Konya, Turkey
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 1, Issue 35, pp. 55-58.
Objective: In this study we report 10 cases of hairy cell leukemias (HCL). Some of them were presented with atypical and rare clinical presentations: One of them was presented with ascites, another case was presented with intramuscular hematoma and four cases were presented with no splenomegaly.
Material and Methods: From 2009 to 2013, HCL diagnosed in 10 of 186 (%5.3) acute and chronic leukemias and they were included in this study.
Results and conclusion: In a total of 10 cases (female:4 male:6) mean age was 60,2 (range 31-85). Splenomegaly was not present in four cases (40%), pancytopenia was not present in three cases (30%). One case was presented with ascites. Another case was presented with intramuscular hematoma. Eigth patients were treated with cladribin with 87,5% complete response and 12,5% partial response rate. One patient was treated only with palliative radiotherapy. One patient was treated in another hospital after diagnosis.
Basturk A, Akinci S, Hacibekiroglu T, Guney T, Ozturk SM, Kutlucan A, et al. Hairy Cell Leukemia with Unusual Clinical Presentations: A Single Center Experience. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2015;1(35):55-8.
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