How can cancer screening centers improve the healthcare system of Kazakhstan?

Gulnara Kulkayeva 1, Nurgul Azhdarova 1, Bibigul Sarymsakova 1 * , Assel Khassenova 1, Gulnur Zhakhina 2
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1 Center for Cancer Disease Control, National Research Oncology Center, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan
2 Science Department, National Research Oncology Center, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan
* Corresponding Author
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 18, Issue 6, pp. 20-24.
OPEN ACCESS 1881 Views 1106 Downloads
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This review article notes the importance of timely detection of cancer and precancerous diseases by screening. The key objective is to analyze screening approaches in developed countries. Results of the study of the experience, effectiveness, and current situation in the organization of cancer screening trials in the Republic of Kazakhstan are considered. The analysis has been performed based on published data on oncologic screening carried out in the Republic of Kazakhstan (2008-2019) and independently collected data from the regions of the country. There is a tendency of growth of morbidity rate and decrease of mortality rate by screening localizations for the mentioned period. The percentage of detected malignant neoplasms is relatively low (from 15% in colorectal cancer screening to 35.4% in breast cancer screening). To study foreign experience in the organization of screening studies, the available data were taken from countries with different types of health care systems, including OECD countries (USA, England Germany, Turkey, Korea, Canada, Finland, Sweden, Belarus). The analysis has revealed the problematic issues and difficulties that exist in our country in the implementation of screening programs in general, and for early detection of cancer, in particular. Taking into account the experience of developed countries, proposals for upgrading the organizational and methodological approach of screenings are given to improve the quality and effectiveness of early cancer diagnosis protocols.


Kulkayeva G, Azhdarova N, Sarymsakova B, Khassenova A, Zhakhina G. How can cancer screening centers improve the healthcare system of Kazakhstan?. J CLIN MED KAZ. 2021;18(6):20-4.


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