Hydatid echinococcosis - a modern view
Гидатидозный эхинококкоз – современный взгляд
Suyindyk Imankulov 1, Abay Baigenzhin 1, Turlybek Tuganbekov 1 2, Nurlan Zhampeissov 1 2
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1 National Scientific Medical Research Center, Astana, Kazakhstan
2 Astana Medical University, Astana, Kazakhstan
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 2, Issue 36, pp. 11-14.
Duration of chronicity, serious injury of internals, defect in quality of living, mortality puts echinococcosis in the rank of socially dangerous helminthosis of the human being. Predominantly widespread in many regions of the Planet Echinococcus granulosus is passed from animals to a man that leads to loss of health, ability to work. Echinococcosis causes essential economic damage and poses a problem for healthcare. The article deals with the problem of echinococcosis. State of echinococcosis morbidity over the past few decades is represented in the article. Modern understanding of etiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis and clinics is revealed. Up-to-date capabilities of echinococcosis diagnostics and treatment are presented, including HIFU - therapy.
Imankulov S, Baigenzhin A, Tuganbekov T, Zhampeissov N. Hydatid echinococcosis - a modern view. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2015;2(36):11-4.
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