Immune status of patients with Intestinal Candidiasis and Nonspecific ulcerative colitis

Неспецифический язвенный колит и влияние кандидоза на иммунный статус
Timur Omarov 1, Liliya Omarova 2
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1 JSC “National Research Center of Oncology and Transplantation”, Astana, Kazakhstan
2 JSC “Astana Medical University”, Astana, Kazakhstan
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 4, Issue 34, pp. 54-57.
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The aim. To study the influence of intestinal Candidiasis on immune status and severity of clinical implications in patients with nonspecific ulcerative colitis.
Methods. The patients with nonspecific ulcerative colitis (NUC) infected by Intestinal Candidiasis, were divided into 2 groups depending on the severity. The first group – 15 patients with moderate NUC severety, the second - 15 patients with mild severity. The state of the immune status, depending on the severity of nonspecific ulcerative colitis was studied. Cell-bound immunity was assessed by uniform method, the main classes of immunoglobulins (G, A, M) by radial immunodiffusion according to Mancini. The identification of gram-positive cocci and Gram-negative rods pure cultures was performed by microbiological computer analyzer “Microtax” of firm “Sy-Lab” (Austria).
Results. A significant decrease in the number of To lymphocytes, the increase of immunoregulatory index Tx/Ts by reducing the amount of Tc and functional activity of Tx, reduction of killer suppressor T- lymphocytes in the peripheral blood, increase in CIC, decrease in В19+ and increase in IgG and decrease in IgA and IgM were identified in patients with moderate NUC severity infected by Candidiasis. In 89 % of patients with NUC colonic bacteria associated not only with a significant reduction of obligate bifidobacteria, but also with active growth of opportunistic bacteria. More marked impairment of microbial spectrum was observed in first group.
Conclusions. In patients with moderate NUC severity on the background of a violation of the microbial spectrum of the large intestine showed significant changes in cell-bound and humoral immunity and led to worse clinical severity.


Omarov T, Omarova L. Immune status of patients with Intestinal Candidiasis and Nonspecific ulcerative colitis. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2014;4(34):54-7.


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