Impact of renal artery denervation on insulin resistance in patients with resistant hypertension

Влияние денервации почечных артерий на инсулинорезистентность у пациентов с резистентной артериальной гипертензией
Abdurashid Mussayev 1 2, Marat Aripov 1, Serik Alimbayev 1, Gulnara Zhussupova 2
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1 «National research cardiac surgery center», Astana, Kazakhstan
2 Astana Medical University, кафедра кардиологии, Astana, Kazakhstan
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 4, Issue 38, pp. 25-29.
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The aim: To study the effect of renal artery denervation on blood pressure and insulin resistance in patients with resistant hypertension.
Methods: Sixty-three patients underwent denervation of the renal arteries with resistant hypertension. We investigate blood pressure, glucose tolerant test, HOMA-IR and the level of glucose in blood.
Results: It showed a significant reduction in office systolic (-36,1 ± 22,2 mm Hg; P <0.0001) and diastolic (-22,3 ± 14,2 mm Hg; P <0.0001) blood pressure; no statistically significant reduction in glucose tolerant test (6,7 ± 2,5 to 6,1 ± 1,9; P = 0,25). Insulin resistance index fell from an average of 3,0 ± 4,6 baseline to 2,5 ± 3,7 (p = 0.007) at 12 months after denervation of the renal arteries.
Conclusions: renal artery denervation is a safe and effective method of treatment for resistant hypertension, which also has a positive effect on glucose metabolism.


Mussayev A, Aripov M, Alimbayev S, Zhussupova G. Impact of renal artery denervation on insulin resistance in patients with resistant hypertension. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2015;4(38):25-9.


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