Improving of the funding system of inpatient care in the Republic of Kazakhstan within the framework of Unified National Health System

Совершенствование системы финансирования стационарной медицинской помощи в Республике Казахстан в рамках ЕНСЗ
Zhanna Khamzina 1 *
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1 JSC “Medical University of Astana”, Astana, Kazakhstan
* Corresponding Author
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 4, Issue 34, pp. 75-76.
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This message describes the results of a study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of the implementation of innovative methods of fundin of inpatient care. The study showed that the results of the reforms Unified national health system which aims to reduce the volume of inpatient services and budget, contributed to the improvement of the whole system of health care funding in Kazakhstan.


Khamzina Z. Improving of the funding system of inpatient care in the Republic of Kazakhstan within the framework of Unified National Health System. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2014;4(34):75-6.


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