Indices of arterial stiffness and telomere length in hypertension
Показатели жесткости сосудистой стенки и длина теломер при артериальной гипертонии
Oksana Drapkina 1, Ruslan Shepel 1, Vladimir Ivashkin 1
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1 I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow, Russia
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 2, Issue 36, pp. 6-10.
Arterial hypertension is a hemodynamic violation by definition, and increased arterial stiffness, increase pulse pressure and velocity of the pulse wave – distinctive hemodynamic feature of the elevated level of blood pressure. The understanding of this fact has led to the fact that the indicators of pulse pressure and speed carotid- femoral pulse wave was classified as a separate factors affecting the forecast of total cardiovascular risk in patients with hypertension. At the same time, results of researches testify that there is an inverse correlation between indicators of telomere length and values of pulse pressure and pulse wave. This article describes in detail the clinical and pathogenetic relationship indicators arterial stiffness (pulse pressure and pulse wave velocity), telomere length and progression of arterial hypertension.
Drapkina O, Shepel R, Ivashkin V. Indices of arterial stiffness and telomere length in hypertension. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2015;2(36):6-10.
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