Interconnection of traditional risk factors with the activity of the inflammatory process and atherosclerosis in patients with psoriatic arthritis

Взаимосвязь традиционных факторов риска с активностью воспалительного процесса и атеросклерозом у больных псориатическим артритом
Ludmila Khimion 1, Alina Boiko 1 *
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1 Family Medicine Department, Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kyiv, Ukraine
* Corresponding Author
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 1, Issue 51, pp. 32-36.
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The article is devoted to the study of the relationship of traditional risk factors for cardiovascular diseases with the activity of the inflammatory process and atherosclerosis in patients with psoriatic arthritis. The study included 32 patients with PsA who did not have atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic kidney disease and other serious diseases, did not take statins, the control group consisted of 19 patients with psoriasis. It was revealed that in patients with psoriatic arthritis, the severity of the atherosclerotic process is more compared with patients with psoriasis (the risk factors profiles were the same). The highest levels of C-reactive protein, fibrinogen, uric acid, intima-media complex thickness, atherosclerotic plaque frequency were found in patients in the psoriatic arthritis group, which may indicate a pathogenetic association of additional RF with the development of a more common atherosclerotic process.


Khimion L, Boiko A. Interconnection of traditional risk factors with the activity of the inflammatory process and atherosclerosis in patients with psoriatic arthritis. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2019;1(51):32-6.


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