Сirculating tumour cells: molecular properties and anti-cancer treatment monitoring
Циркулирующие раковые клетки: молекулярная характеристика и мониторинг лечения рака
Abay Baigenzhin 1, Galiya Shaimardanova 2, Nadezhda Popova 3, Bakhit Zhussipova 4, Gulziya Ismailova 5
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1 General Director of the «National Scientifi c Medical Research Center» JSC
2 Head of the path-morphological department the NSMRC
3 Head of the central research laboratory the NSMRC
4 Head of the Chemotherapy unit, the Oncology clinic Astana
5 Secretary of Academic Council the NSMRC
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 4, Issue 30, pp. 9-13.
Existence of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) in blood of cancer patients, testifi es about a dissemination of cancer cells to the peripheral blood stream, on the earliest stages of cancer development and very often testifi es to an adverse clinical current, especially it is connected with formation of metastases. Besides, these cells can represent the minimum residual disease and quantitative monitoring of CTCs level in time of anti-cancer treatment provides researchers with valuable information. For today the role of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transit (EMT) and mesenchymal-to-epithelial transit (MET) in formation of various subpopulations CTCs, in expansion of cancer aggressive properties. In this article we want to prove the purpose and problems of our scientifi c research - the cytological molecular analysis of circulating tumour cells have isolated by the size dependent ISET technology (Isolation by size of epithelial tumor cells). To study the cyto-morphological and immunological characteristic, to identify targeted therapy markers and the metastatic response predictors to anti-cancer treatment on viable circulating cancer cells by the RT-PCR method (real-time polymerase chained action). To study of clinical profi t from quantitative, immunological and molecular monitoring of CTCs, for elimination minimum residual disease, by application of individual targeted therapy, on the basis cytological molecular analysis of CTCs.
Baigenzhin A, Shaimardanova G, Popova N, Zhussipova B, Ismailova G. Сirculating tumour cells: molecular properties and anti-cancer treatment monitoring. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2013;4(30):9-13.
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