Kazakhstan's experience in reducing infant and child mortality
Опыт Казахстана в выполнении 4-ой цели развития тысячелетия по снижению детской смертности
Tamara Chuvakova 1, Мagripa Embergenova 1, Bekturgan Karin 1
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1 National research center for maternal and child health of the corporate fund «UMC», Astana, Kazakhstan
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 3, Issue 45 special issue, pp. 150-153.
Healthcare reforms contributed to the implementation of MDG 4 in Kazakhstan, which was confirmed by conclusion of Interagency United Nations Evaluation Group of assessment of mortality rate (2014): "Kazakhstan, since 1990, made significant progress in reducing infant and child mortality by 64% and 65 %, respectively. The country has fulfilled the MDG 4 on reducing child mortality from 0 to 5 years by 2014 ".
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- Pravitelstvennaya rabochaya gruppa I Mejevedomstvennaya gruppa OON po raschetu pokazateley detskoy smertnosty, g. Astana, Kazakhstan, 22-25 iun 2003g.