Laparoscopic pyelolithotomy in the pelvic - dystopic kidney

Лапароскопическая пиелолитотомия в тазово – дистопированной почки
Nariman Zhambayev 1, Ulanbek Zhanbyrbekuly 1, Yernur Ainayev 1, Gafur Khairli 1, Ravil Sherkhanov 1, Ulan Zhaparov 1, Aleksey Sushchenko 1
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1 Urology and Andrology Department, Astana Medical University, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 3, Issue 49, pp. 46-49.
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Aim: Describe a clinical case and compare the difference in treatment methods at pelvic-dystopic kidney. The article describes the clinical case of urolithiasis, in the pelvic - dystopic kidney. The stages of diagnosis and treatment reflected in the article testify to the present possibilities of modern medicine. Recovering the patient is the result of timely, skillfully chosen conservative and operational techniques.


Zhambayev N, Zhanbyrbekuly U, Ainayev Y, Khairli G, Sherkhanov R, Zhaparov U, et al. Laparoscopic pyelolithotomy in the pelvic - dystopic kidney. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2018;3(49):46-9.


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