Modern method of treatment of compression fracture of the spine with stabilization with a metal corrector

Современный метод лечения компрессионного перелома тел позвоночника со стабилизацией металлоэндокорректором
Marat Rabandyarov 1, Ardak Nurmukhanov 1, Azat Satzhanov 1
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J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 3, Issue 45 special issue, pp. 112-114.
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A clinical example of the treatment of a pediatric patient with a compression fracture in the lumbar spine. The child was operated on the L1 compression fracture, a course of conservative treatment with postoperative immobilization in a soft corset.


Rabandyarov M, Nurmukhanov A, Satzhanov A. Modern method of treatment of compression fracture of the spine with stabilization with a metal corrector. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2017;3(45 special issue):112-4.


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