Multi-slice CT Diagnostics of lesions of the coronary and peripheral arteries in Kawasaki syndrome in Children

Мультиспиральная компьютерная томография в диагностике поражений коронарных и периферических артерий при синдроме Кавасаки у детей
Elmira Chuvakova 1, Timur Sarsengaliyev 1, Boris Tsoy 1, Aisulu Zhangalova 1
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1 «National Scientific Medical Research Center» JSC, Departments of Radiology, Astana, Kazakhstan
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 2, Issue 36, pp. 47-50.
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Kawasaki syndrome is characterized by predominant affection of middle and small arteries with developing of destructively proliferative vasculitis; clinically it is expressed by fever, changes in mucosa, skin, lymph nodes, potential affection of coronary and other splanchnic arteries. Today the syndrome is recognized as leading cause of acquired heart diseases in children - particularly disorders of coronary arteries (CA) and can lead to ischemic heart disease and miocardial infarction in childhood and at a young age.
Multispiral computed tomography (MSCT) is a one of the best non-invasive and available diagnostic techniques. We suggest for discussion a question of MSCT-angiography significance in imaging of aneurysm of coronary and peripheral arteries at Kawasaki syndrome.


Chuvakova E, Sarsengaliyev T, Tsoy B, Zhangalova A. Multi-slice CT Diagnostics of lesions of the coronary and peripheral arteries in Kawasaki syndrome in Children. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2015;2(36):47-50.


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