Mushroom toxicity in academic literature: Holistic analysis of the global publications on mushroom poisoning between 1975 and 2019
Özgür Yağan 1 * ,
Engin Şenel 2,
Selçuk Kayır 1 More Detail
1 Department of Anesthesiology, School of Medicine, Hitit University, Çorum, Turkey
2 Department of Dermatology, School of Medicine, Hitit University, Çorum, Turkey
* Corresponding Author
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 6, Issue 60, pp. 48-52.
Background and objective: Mushroom poisoning is one of the global public health problems. In our study, we aimed to analyze bibliometric and scientometric analysis of mushroom poisoning between 1975 and 2019.
Methods: All data used in the present study were retrieved from Web of Science databases titled Web of Science Core Collection, Russian Science Citation Index, SciELO Citation Index and Korean Journal Database.
Results: A total of 3508 documents were yielded from our preliminary WoS database search. The most productive year was 2018 with 239 documents. The most common documents types were original article, case report, reviews and meeting abstract. United States of America (USA) was the leading country with 667 documents followed by China, Japan and France. All countries in top ten contributor countries’ list were developed but only Turkey and Poland were developing according to UN criteria. Publications were produced from nearly all regions of the world except for some countries in Africa. Chinese University of Hong Kong (China) was the most contributor institution with 80 documents. Clinical Toxicology was detected to be the most productive source title. Total number of citations was 62,452 times and an average citation per item was 17.8 times. Citations increased gradually, and the peak year was 2019 with 6034 citations.
Conclusion: Findings of our study could help the experts in the fields of toxicology, intensive care and emergency medicine to identify the global research trends and patterns of mushroom toxicity and to offer a basis for future research directions.
Yağan Ö, Şenel E, Kayır S. Mushroom toxicity in academic literature: Holistic analysis of the global publications on mushroom poisoning between 1975 and 2019. J Clin Med Kaz. 2020;6(60):48-52.
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