Neuro-cognition in patients of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Syndrome

Rayees Ahmad Bhat 1, Masood Tanvir 2, Musharaf Bashir 1 *
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1 Department of Physiology, GMC & SMHS hospital, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, India
2 Department of Internal Medicine, GMC & SMHS hospital, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, India
* Corresponding Author
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 1, Issue 51, pp. 44-49.
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Background: Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Hypoapnoea Syndrome (OSAHS) is known to be associated with impairment in neuro-cognitive functions. This impairment in cognition is associated with daytime sleepiness that results in occupational deficits and an increased risk of automobile accidents.
Objectives: The aim of the study was to assess Neuro-cognition in patients of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Hypoapnoea Syndrome (OSAHS) 
Material and methods: Our study was an observational cross-sectional study. Eligible patients (n=205) undergoing polysomnography were categorized into Snoring (n=105), Mild OSA (n=70), Moderate OSA (n=17) and Severe OSA (n=13) groups, based on Apnoea Hypoapnoea Index (AHI). The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) and the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) Questionnaires were administered to assess their cognitive functions and the correlation between Questionnaire scores and severity of OSAS was determined.
Results: MMSE Questionnaire detected overall cognitive impairment in 22% of OSA patients while as MoCA Questionnaire detected overall cognitive impairment in 33% of the same OSA patients. The frequency of mild neurocognitive impairment as detected by MMSE Questionnaire increased progressively as the severity of OSA increased from Snoring(6.7%) to Mild OSA(17.1%), Moderate OSA(29.4%) and severe OSA(38.4%). MoCA Questionnaire demonstrated the same pattern except that it was more sensitive. It detected cognitive impairment of 12.4% in Snoring group, 27.1% in Mild OSA group, 41.2% in Moderate OSA group and 53.9% in Severe OSA group.
Conclusion: Neurocognitive impairment is common in patients with OSAHS. The MoCA is a more sensitive tool than MMSE for the assessment of mild cognitive impairment in OSAHS patients, whose performance on the MMSE is in the normal range.


Bhat RA, Tanvir M, Bashir M. Neuro-cognition in patients of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Syndrome. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2019;1(51):44-9.


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