Neuropsychological approach to the complex rehabilitation of children
Нейропсихологический подход в комплексной реабилитации детей
Sholpan Bulekbayeva 1, Gulshat Sultanova 2, Gulnar Taitubayeva 3, Ainur Smakova 4, Liliya Khan 5, Akmaral Amirova 6, Zarina Parmanova 7
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1 The National Center for Children’s Rehabilitation, the Branch of CF “UMC”, Astana, Kazakhstan
2 The center of social-pedagogical rehabilitation of branch, The National Center for Children’s Rehabilitation, the Branch of CF “UMC”, Astana, Kazakhstan
3 The center of innovative rehabilitation of branch, The National Center for Children’s Rehabilitation, the Branch of CF “UMC”, Astana, Kazakhstan
4 The head of correctional-methodical department The National Center for Children’s Rehabilitation, the Branch of CF “UMC”, Astana, Kazakhstan
5 The Neuropsychiatric department number 4 “Akzhol”, The National Center for Children’s Rehabilitation, the Branch of CF “UMC”, Astana, Kazakhstan
6 The Neuropsychiatric department number 5 “Balbulak”, The National Center for Children’s Rehabilitation, the Branch of CF “UMC”, Astana, Kazakhstan
7 The Neuropsychiatric department number 2 “Qadam”, The National Center for Children’s Rehabilitation, the Branch of CF “UMC”, Astana, Kazakhstan
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 3, Issue 41, pp. 34-36.
In this paper, the authors introduce the neuropsychological diagnostics, which is one of the most promising directions in the complex children’s rehabilitation with various disorders in the development of higher mental functions, as well as methods for correcting the revealed violations.
Bulekbayeva S, Sultanova G, Taitubayeva G, Smakova A, Khan L, Amirova A, et al. Neuropsychological approach to the complex rehabilitation of children. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2016;3(41):34-6.
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