Non-invasive ventilation after thoracic surgery
Неинвазивная вспомогательная вентиляция легких после торакальных операций
Mukhit Dossov 1, Murat Smailov 1, Anatoliy Kolos 1, Rahim Tojiboyev 1
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1 National Scientific Medical Research Center, Astana city, Kazakhstan
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 2, Issue 32, pp. 43-48.
Aim: To evaluate the effectiveness and appropriateness of the non-invasive ventilation (NIV) after thoracic surgery.
Methods: We have studied 2 groups of patients: the first group included 32 patients, who in the early postoperative period were performed NIV and a second group with 30 patients who received standard therapy. The physical parameters, blood gas levels, the length of stay in the intensive care department and patient satisfaction on a visual analog scale were evaluated. NIV sessions conducted up to 3 hours immediately after extubation in CPAP mode with the following parameters: starting from PEEP 4mbar and increasing every 10 minutes for 2 mbar until 10 mbar.
Results: During NIV systolic blood pressure in the first group was lower than in the second group (p <0,05). Blood gas levels (PaO 2) and respiratory index (PaO2/FiO2) was significantly higher in the first group. NIV with PEEP to 6mbar was rated "satisfactory" by 37.5% of patients and was rated as "good" by 65.6% of patients. More than 90% of patients rated "excellent" NIV with PEEP 4 mbar and 6mbar. Patients of the first group was transferred from ICU to clinical ward for one hour earlier (p <0.05) than those of the second group.
Conclusions: NIV was effectively with 6mbar of PEEP in patients after thoracic surgery and improved hemodynamic and blood gas parameters.
Dossov M, Smailov M, Kolos A, Tojiboyev R. Non-invasive ventilation after thoracic surgery. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2014;2(32):43-8.
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