Pharmacoepidemiology of statins in Еast region of Kazakhstan
Фармакоэпидемиология статинов в Восточном регионе Казахстана
Assem Makhatova 1, Raikhan Tuleutayeva 1, Aigerim Mussina 1, Andrey Gorbatenko 1
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1 Department of Pharmacology and Evidence-Based Medicine, Semey State Medical University, Semey, Republic of Kazakhstan
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 1, Issue 47, pp. 36-40.
Objective: To determine frequency, structure of antihyperholesterinemic therapy in the east region of Kazakhstan and compliance of the patients.
Material and Methods: The pharmacoepidemiological analysis was carried out on the basis of archival documents (medical history, outpatient cards) of 14 treatment and prevention institutions in Semey city of the East Kazakhstan region. A total of 3458 units of primary material were analyzed. The study included medical documentation of people with the diagnosis of ischemic heart disease, arterial hypertension, arterial atherosclerosis of lower limbs and other chronic diseases, as well as clinically healthy individuals with a study of the content of cholesterol in the blood. To determine adherence, the Moriski-Green test is used.
Results: It was revealed that the frequency of prescribing antihypercholesterolemic drugs (statins) in the conditions of Semey city is 80.7% of cases from the number of persons with clinical indications for their use. Atorvastatin (89.7%) prevailed in the structure of antihypercholesterolemic therapy in patients with hypercholesterolemia and clinically manifested atherosclerosis. A low adherence to statin therapy has been revealed, reaching only 46.6% of the number of appointments and decreasing to 39.9% in individuals without clinical manifestations of atherosclerosis. The overall frequency of regular statin use in the group average, taking into account prescriptions and adherence, is 37.6% of the number of people with clinical indications and depends on the clinical diagnosis.
Conclusion: It is necessary to implement measures to correct the approaches of doctors to the appointment of antihypercholesterolemic therapy and work with patients aimed at increasing adherence to treatment.
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