Pre-consultation history taking systems and their impact on modern practices: Advantages and limitations

Gulnur Zhakhina 1 2, Karina Tapinova 1, Perizat Kanabekova 1 2, Temirlan Kainazarov 1 *
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1 Limited Liability Partnership "Symptom", Almaty, Kazakhstan
2 Department of Medicine, School of Medicine, Nazarbayev University, Astana, Kazakhstan
* Corresponding Author
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 20, Issue 6, pp. 26-35.
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The practice of gathering a patient's medical history has been a cornerstone of healthcare for centuries, providing the foundation for accurate diagnoses and effective treatment plans. However, traditional face-to-face consultations have limitations, including incomplete histories due to time constraints and potential communication barriers. To address these challenges, pre-consultation history taking systems emerged as a transformative solution, leveraging technology to optimize data collection and patient engagement. This review article explores the evolution, benefits, limitations, and impact of pre-consultation history taking systems on modern healthcare practices. These systems enable patients to respond to questionnaires or surveys before their scheduled appointments, empowering them to provide comprehensive medical histories at their own pace. Consequently, healthcare providers gain deeper insights into patients' health status, previous medical conditions, family history, lifestyle choices, and medication history. The significance of pre-consultation history taking lies in its potential to improve the quality of healthcare services. By obtaining more detailed and accurate medical histories before appointments, healthcare providers can optimize consultation time, enabling them to focus on addressing specific concerns and making informed decisions. Furthermore, patient engagement is enhanced, fostering a sense of collaboration between patients and healthcare professionals. Despite the advantages, the article addresses certain limitations, such as the digital divide and data accuracy concerns. Ensuring accessibility for all patient populations and maintaining robust data security measures are essential considerations. However, as technology continues to advance, pre-consultation history taking holds the promise of transforming the healthcare landscape and improving patient outcomes.


Zhakhina G, Tapinova K, Kanabekova P, Kainazarov T. Pre-consultation history taking systems and their impact on modern practices: Advantages and limitations. J CLIN MED KAZ. 2023;20(6):26-35.


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