Problems of Enhancing Postgraduate Education of the Doctors in Rural Healthcare Service
Проблемы усовершенствования последипломного образования врачей сельского здравоохранения
Assel Matalipova 1, Leonid Karp 1, Tatyana Potapchuk 1, Bakhyt Seisebayeva 2
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1 “Astana Medical University” JSC, Astana, Kazakhstan
2 Central District Hospital of Akmola region, Astana, Kazakhstan
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 1, Issue 35, pp. 40-44.
The objective of the research is to identify problems/issues related to the professional development of the doctors in rural healthcare service.
Materials and methods. The combined research approach has been applied as the design of the Research, which included a quantitative collection of the statistical data and qualitative characteristics expressed in obtaining personal opinion of the doctors about the problems existing in the area of professional development. A social survey has been conducted (anonymously filled questionnaires) among the rural doctors on the Northern Kazakhstan (Akmola and North Kazakhstan Oblast). “Survey on Studying Professional Development of the Healthcare Personnel in Rural Healthcare” consisted of 48 questions of open-end and closed questions. With the help of a mechanical random (non-repeated) sampling 175 doctors from central district (rayon) hospitals have been selected. The selection of the observation unit from among the general population has been carried out by applying the random number table. Considering the total number of the rural doctors in two oblasts the selected sampling plays only a representative role. The statistical tools included calculation of extensive indicators (indicators of distribution). For comparing statistical significance of the group a fitting criteria (chi-square) has been applied.
Results. The Research identified that the majority of the doctors have a desire to enhance and further develop their professional skills; a great number of the surveyed respondents (86,7%) would love to upgrade their professional level. The doctors, who have attended refresher courses/trainings, were able, upon return to work, apply in practice the knowledge they have acquired, and this contributed to the enhancement of their professional skills. The survey on the frequency/periodicity of the post-graduate education have shown that over half (54,2%) of the responding doctors consider that training (further development) of the doctors once in five years would be feasible. For that purpose the majority of the responding doctors (40,6%) wish to be trained/to develop their professional skills at the Medical University, 36,5% - at the Oblast Center where the specialists from the capital would be invited too, 22,9% prefer to travel to another region. It was recorded that many forms of the professional development (participation in international conferences and workshops, trainings at the leading national and international clinics) are not available to the major part of the employees.
Conclusion. The analysis of the ways of professional development, in general, revealed satisfaction of the doctors in rural healthcare service in the context of the subject matter. The majority of the doctors strive towards professional growth and development, which shows the existing potential. Almost half of the responding doctors (56,0%) were able to apply in practice the acquired knowledge, which has enhanced their practical skills as well.
Matalipova A, Karp L, Potapchuk T, Seisebayeva B. Problems of Enhancing Postgraduate Education of the Doctors in Rural Healthcare Service. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2015;1(35):40-4.
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