Replacement of the esophagus the stomach with forming invaginated antireflux mechanism at the child with VATER association
Случай замещения пищевода желудком с формированием инвагинационного антирефлюксного механизма у ребенка VATER ассоциацией
Marat Ospanov 1, Yuryi Olkhovik 1, Dastan Rustemov 1, Rustem Utebaliev 1
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1 Corporate Fund «University Medical Center», National Research Center for Maternal and Child Health, Department of Surgery and Transplantation №1, Astana, Kazakhstan
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 3, Issue 41, pp. 30-33.
The observation is described the successful treatment of the child with VATER association. We made the correction of esophageal atresia with lower trachea-oesophageal fistula, anal atresia withrectourethral fistula. Performed surgical operations: retrosternal esophagoplasty the stomach, gastrooesophageal anastomosis in the neck with an antireflux mechanism, anosphincteroplasty.
Ospanov M, Olkhovik Y, Rustemov D, Utebaliev R. Replacement of the esophagus the stomach with forming invaginated antireflux mechanism at the child with VATER association. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2016;3(41):30-3.
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