Resveratrol reduces the inflammatory activation of endothelum in patients with coronary heart disease combined with autoimmune thyroiditis

Ресвератрол снижает воспалительную активацию эндотелия у больных ишемической болезнью сердца в сочетании с аутоиммунным тиреоидитом
Natalia Chekalina 1
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1 Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy, Department of Internal Medicine, Poltava, Ukraine
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 3, Issue 41, pp. 21-26.
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Objective: to study the effect of polyphenolic antioxidant resveratrol on markers of inflammatory activation of the endothelium (ET) in patients with stable coronary heart disease (CHD) in conjunction with autoimmune thyroiditis (AIT).
Methods. The  study  involved  30  patients  with  coronary  artery  disease:  stable  angina  pectoris,  FC  II  with  concomitant autoimmune thyroiditis, euthyroidism (study group), control group consisted of 20 healthy subjects. After 1 month of standard stabilizing therapy (β-blockers, statins, aspirin) for study group, in blood of participants was identified the levels of circulating endothelial  microparticles  (CEM)  CD32+CD40+  by  cytofluorometry,  after  which  for  study  group  additionally  was  appointed resveratrol at a dose of 100 mg per day and after 2 months we re-analyzed these indicators.
Results. In patients with stable coronary artery disease combined with AIT found increased amount of CEM CD32+CD40+. Under the influence of resveratrol in patients with CHD combined with AIT was revealed a significant reduction of the amount of CEM CD32+CD40+ in the peripheral blood, that can be the result of its effect on intracellular molecular cascades associated with nuclear transcription factor kappa B (NF-kB).
Conclusion. Resveratrol demonstrates the anti-inflammatory and protective action for endothelium: it reduces the indicator of inflammatory activation ET CEM CD32+CD40+ in the blood in patients with stable CHD combined with AIT.


Chekalina N. Resveratrol reduces the inflammatory activation of endothelum in patients with coronary heart disease combined with autoimmune thyroiditis. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2016;3(41):21-6.


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