Retrospective review of the clinical case of a radical correction of the transposition of the great vessels, complicated by mediasthenitis and sepsis
Ретроспективный обзор клинического случая после радикальной коррекции транспозиции магистральных сосудов, осложненной медиастенитом и сепсисом
Rakhima Mekenbayeva 1 * ,
Shuhrat Marasulov 1,
Amangeldy Kerimkulov 1,
Bauyrzhan Tuyakbayev 1,
Anar Sarsembayeva 1,
Timur Sarsengaliyev 2,
Raushangul Nygymanbekova 3,
Nigina Mekenbayeva 4,
Arman Akseitov 4 More Detail
1 Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Department, National Scientific Medical Center, Nur-Sultan city, Republic of Kazakhstan
2 Radiodiagnosis Department, National Scientific Medical Center, Nur-Sultan city, Republic of Kazakhstan
3 Cardiology Department, National Scientific Medical Center, Nur-Sultan city, Republic of Kazakhstan
4 Astana Medical University, Nur-Sultan city, Republic of Kazakhstan
* Corresponding Author
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 2, Issue 52, pp. 59-62.
In the century of advanced technology, medicine has leaped forward, which contributed to the possibility of correcting such severe congenital heart defects in children as the transposition of great vessels. However, despite the progress in medicine and compliance with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis, infection of the postoperative wound remains one of the frequent and terrible postoperative complications, worsening the prognosis and increasing the risk of mortality. In this retrospective analysis, we consider a clinical case of a radical correction of the great vessels transposition with a complication that has arisen (wound infection) in the early and late postoperative period. The relevance of the article lies in the fact that we studied international experience in managing patients with this complication and applied it in this clinical case in a child with transposition of great vessels, who underwent several cardiac and thoracic operations complicated by wound infection, sepsis, DIC-syndrome with significant deficit bone skeleton of the chest. The child’s condition improved significantly: infectious complications were stopped, signs of heart failure decreased. The child is observed for 7 years, the observation will continue.
Mekenbayeva R, Marasulov S, Kerimkulov A, Tuyakbayev B, Sarsembayeva A, Sarsengaliyev T, et al. Retrospective review of the clinical case of a radical correction of the transposition of the great vessels, complicated by mediasthenitis and sepsis. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2019;2(52):59-62.
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