Review of international experience of application of various forms of antimetabolites - folic acid antagonists in rheumatoid arthritis

Обзор мирового опыта применения различных форм антиметаболита – антагониста фолиевой кислоты при ревматоидном артрите
Gulzhan Alibekova 1, Saule Abisheva 1
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1 JSC “Astana Medical University” Astana, Kazakhstan
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 4, Issue 34, pp. 30-33.
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This review article presents the results of randomized, multicenter studies on the use of various forms of methotrexate in the world. The analysis of effectiveness and safety, as well as the side effects of the drug has been conducted. According to the review of the articles subcutaneous forms of methotrexate have better bioavailability than the oral forms, even when starting with a low dose. Accordingly high doses are absorbed better. The gradual increase in subcutaneous dose provides linear gain in effect, unlike the oral forms. The article is recommended to rheumatologists, physicians and general practitioners.


Alibekova G, Abisheva S. Review of international experience of application of various forms of antimetabolites - folic acid antagonists in rheumatoid arthritis. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2014;4(34):30-3.


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